2.10. New Features in Python#
This section shows some new features in Python 3.10 and above.
2.10.1. Simplify Conditional Execution with Match Statements#
It is common to use the if-else statements to execute multiple conditional statements.
def get_price(food: str):
if food == "apple" or food == "peach":
return 4
elif food == "orange":
return 3
elif food == "grape":
return 5
return "Unknown"
In Python 3.10 and above, you can use the match statements to do the same thing.
Match statements can provide a more concise and readable syntax, especially when dealing with complex pattern matching scenarios.
def get_price(food: str):
match food:
case "apple" | "peach":
return 4
case "orange":
return 3
case "grape":
return 5
case _:
return "Unknown"
2.10.2. Structural Pattern Matching in Python 3.10#
Extracting data from nested structures often leads to complex, error-prone code with multiple checks and conditionals. Consider this traditional approach:
def get_youngest_pet(pet_info):
if isinstance(pet_info, list) and len(pet_info) == 2:
if all("age" in pet for pet in pet_info):
print("Age is extracted from a list")
return min(pet_info[0]["age"], pet_info[1]["age"])
elif isinstance(pet_info, dict) and "age" in pet_info:
if isinstance(pet_info["age"], dict):
print("Age is extracted from a dict")
ages = pet_info["age"].values()
return min(ages)
# Handle other cases or raise an exception
raise ValueError("Invalid input format")
pet_info1 = [
{"name": "bim", "age": 1},
{"name": "pepper", "age": 9},
Age is extracted from a list
pet_info2 = {'age': {"bim": 1, "pepper": 9}}
Age is extracted from a dict
Python 3.10’s pattern matching provides a more declarative and readable way to handle complex data structures, reducing the need for nested conditionals and type checks.
def get_youngest_pet(pet_info):
match pet_info:
case [{"age": age1}, {"age": age2}]:
print("Age is extracted from a list")
return min(age1, age2)
case {'age': {}}:
print("Age is extracted from a dict")
ages = pet_info['age'].values()
return min(ages)
case _:
raise ValueError("Invalid input format")
pet_info1 = [
{"name": "bim", "age": 1},
{"name": "pepper", "age": 9},
Age is extracted from a list
pet_info2 = {'age': {"bim": 1, "pepper": 9}}
Age is extracted from a dict
2.10.3. Enhance Code Readability with Python Dataclasses and Match Statements#
You can use Python dataclasses with Python match statements to create cleaner and more readable code. This approach can be particularly useful when setting conditions based on multiple attributes of a class, as it can simplify the code and make it easier to understand.
Using if-else:
from dataclasses import dataclass
class SubscriptionPlan:
name: str
price: float
unit: str
def get_plan_details(plan):
if plan.name == "basic" and plan.unit == "month":
return f"${plan.price} per month for one month."
elif plan.name == "premium" and plan.unit == "year":
return f"${plan.price} per year for one year."
elif plan.name == "" and plan.price == 0.0 and plan.unit == "":
return "Invalid subscription plan"
return "Unknown subscription plan"
basic_plan = SubscriptionPlan(name="basic", price=9.99, unit="month")
premium_plan = SubscriptionPlan(name="premium", price=99.99, unit="year")
$9.99 per month for one month.
$99.99 per year for one year.
Using match statements:
from dataclasses import dataclass
class SubscriptionPlan:
name: str
price: float
unit: str
def get_plan_details(plan):
match plan:
case SubscriptionPlan(name="basic", price=price, unit="month"):
return f"${price} per month for one month."
case SubscriptionPlan(name="premium", price=price, unit="year"):
return f"${price} per year for one year."
case SubscriptionPlan():
return "Invalid subscription plan"
case _:
return "Unknown subscription plan"
basic_plan = SubscriptionPlan(name="basic", price=9.99, unit="month")
premium_plan = SubscriptionPlan(name="premium", price=99.99, unit="year")
$9.99 per month for one month.
$99.99 per year for one year.
2.10.4. Write Union Types as X|Y in Python 3.10#
Before Python 3.10, you need to use typing.Union
to declare that a variable can have one of several different types.
from typing import Union
num = 2.3
isinstance(num, Union[int, float])
In Python 3.10, you can replace Union[X, Y]
with X | Y
to simplify the expression.
isinstance(num, int | float)
2.10.5. Write Cleaner Python with the Walrus Operatorn#
The walrus operator (:=
) in Python 3.8+ allows you to assign a variable in an expression, making your code more readable and efficient. It’s useful in two main scenarios:
Giving a meaningful name to a complex expression for better readability.
Avoiding repeated computations by reusing a variable instead of recomputing the expression.
Let’s consider an example where we want to calculate the radius, area, and volume of a circle given its diameter and height:
from math import pi
diameter = 4
height = 2
Without the walrus operator, we might compute the radius and area multiple times:
circle = {
"radius": diameter / 2, # computed twice
"area": pi * (diameter / 2)**2, # computed twice
"volume": pi * (diameter / 2)**2 * height,
To avoid repeated computations, we can assign the radius and area to variables before creating the dictionary:
radius = diameter / 2
area = pi * radius**2
circle = {
"radius": radius,
"area": area,
"volume": area * height,
To make the code more concise, we can use the walrus operator to assign the radius and area to variables while creating the dictionary.
circle = {
"radius": (radius := diameter / 2),
"area": (area := pi * radius**2),
"volume": area * height,
After executing the code with the walrus operator, we can access the assigned variables:
2.10.6. Fine-Grained Traceback in Python 3.11#
Having a clear traceback makes it faster to debug your code. Python 3.11 provides fine-grained error locations in tracebacks, enabling developers to quickly identify the exact location of errors.
The following examples illustrate the difference in traceback between Python 3.9 and Python 3.11.
%%writefile trackback_test.py
def greet(name):
greeting = "Hello, " + name + "!"
print(greetng) # Error: Typo in variable name
# Python 3.9
$ python trackback_test.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/khuyentran/book/Efficient_Python_tricks_and_tools_for_data_scientists/Chapter1/trackback_test.py", line 5, in <module>
File "/Users/khuyentran/book/Efficient_Python_tricks_and_tools_for_data_scientists/Chapter1/trackback_test.py", line 3, in greet
print(greetng) # Error: Typo in variable name
NameError: name 'greetng' is not defined
# Python 3.11
$ python trackback_test.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/khuyentran/book/Efficient_Python_tricks_and_tools_for_data_scientists/Chapter1/trackback_test.py", line 5, in <module>
File "/Users/khuyentran/book/Efficient_Python_tricks_and_tools_for_data_scientists/Chapter1/trackback_test.py", line 3, in greet
print(greetng) # Error: Typo in variable name
NameError: name 'greetng' is not defined. Did you mean: 'greeting'?